Chasing the Sun

If I’m being honest, the line between our pre-pandemic life and the current state within the four walls of our home is a blurry one. My therapist husband still leaves for work, and I stay with our two boys who are not yet old enough for school or many other extracurriculars. Our toddler still loves Buzz and baseball, and the baby naps and nurses at his regular intervals.

Also the same is the monotony of our days, although it’s mounting under the restrictions. Cook, scrub, fold, diaper, bathe.

Cook, scrub, fold, diaper, bathe.

The sun continues to meet us every morning, soaking our kitchen in a soft golden glow. Sometimes I notice; a lot of days I don’t. It’s always there, but I’m not always looking.

The more I study, however, the more I recognize: it’s everywhere, this light. After one day, I’m hooked. Focusing on the bright spots betters my mood and bathes the bland in beauty.

The dishes are still endless, and the physical and emotional fatigue I feel is both real and really hard. But, as it turns out, light therapy is pretty transformative.

Chasing the sun is changing me for good.

This post was written as part of a blog hop with Exhale—an online community of women pursuing creativity alongside motherhood, led by the writing team behind Coffee + Crumbs. Click here to read the next post in this series “Go Where the Light Is”.

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